Angels or Aliens (Part Two)

In the ancient scriptures; Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Hindu there were beings that are spoken of that possessed enormous powers. These beings at times would appear on their own accord. Other times they would appear as the operators of supernatural vehicles and messengers of good or bad.

These beings were called by many different names; Kherub, Seraph, Ophann, Zamzum, Rapha, Jinn and many other names.

In Hinduism it is believed that there are many deities but each deity is simply an aspect of the One Supreme Being manifested as individual personalities. Thus Hindus believe that The Supreme Being took aspects of his person and created beings that reflect those aspects.

This is somewhat different from the basic Middle Eastern belief but it could be argued that they all have similarities.  For the purposes of this discussion, we will focus on the basic Middle Eastern belief.

The basic Middle Eastern belief concerning supernatural beings is very similar to the modern belief about aliens and if this is the case the ancient middle easterners knew more about aliens than we could ever imagine.

In there ancient scriptures they spoke of encounters with many different types of beings. Based on the information that can be gleaned from the ancient manuscripts there appeared to be a multiple and diverse collection of entities that carried out various tasks or sought to be worshiped due to their superiority.

In an analysis of the writings and the translations of the original languages there are some interesting parallels that are revealed.

In these days of technological advancement that we live in, it is difficult to find someone who would even know what one of these beings are. Ask someone about aliens and most people have an opinion.

The Celestial Community

In looking at these beings that are described in ancient writings there are interesting descriptions that are given. Some of the meanings of the words used in the ancient languages to describe them are as follows:

Standing out or above, ever existing, set apart living beings, mighty ones, sons of the mighty ones, misty, electrical with flashes of gold and silver, round, circular in nature as the appearance of a narrow cylinder with many eyes, courageous, valiant, terrible ones, flying fiery serpent, messenger (the sent ones), radiant, their faces like lightning, their eyes as flaming torches, voice of thunder and the fire of a scorching wind.

Now you may say, what does this list of descriptions for celestial beings have to do with aliens? Simply this; if theses entities appeared at any time on the earth to inhabitants of the earth, since they were not born on the earth, they are aliens.

These entities have other worldly, alien appearance and they fly in celestial vehicles that were difficult for the ancient inhabitants of earth to describe.

In the ancient Hindu writings it details the fact that there are 400,000 species living in outer space. What knowledge did they possess that would cause them to record this as a fact in their ancient writings. Likewise the ancient Greeks created a whole pantheon that consisted of titans and demigods that commanded there worship and lived at the top of a mountain that was shrouded in a cloud with continuous sounds of thunder and flashes of lightning.

On numerous hieroglyphic depictions there are carvings of strange beings that have a basic human form but also different animalistic features joined in with these quasi-human representations.

The question must be raised, is it possible that the entities that are described in ancient religious writings, hieroglyphics, cave drawings and certain mythologies are actually descriptions of alien beings that were encountered by the ancient inhabitants of the earth?

Archaeologists acknowledge that the top of the region in the Middle East where Mount Sinai is located is melted as though something with tremendous heat set on top of it. Is it possible that the appearance of YAH on the top of the mountain along with the smoke, thunder, lightning and darkness was the arrival of an enormous cloaked mothership to the region from a location away from this planet? And is it possible that the beings that have come down in our time to be described as angels and demons are actually extraterrestrial beings that ancient humans had real encounters with?

To be continued…